Resistant germs at the Leipzig University Hospital

Resistant germs at the Leipzig University Hospital / Health News

Stricter hygiene measures at the University Hospital Leipzig


Since 2010, numerous patients of the Leipzig University Hospital have been infected with multidrug-resistant pathogens. Nearly half of the infected patients have died in the meantime, but it remains unclear whether the cause of death were the multidrug-resistant KPC germs.

The way in which the multidrug-resistant bacteria of the genus Klebsiella pneumoniae in the University Hospital Leipzig could spread is still a mystery. For this reason, experts from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) should now help with the education, according to today's statement by the Saxon Health Minister Christine Clauß (CDU). In addition, the hygiene measures were to „Contain the multidrug-resistant KPC germ“ expanded, explained the hospital. Accordingly, should „All patients admitted to ICUs and the Central Emergency Room from other hospitals are already being examined on admission to KPC and employees have been tested“ become. The question remains why this has not happened yet in the conspicuous accumulation of CCP infections.

More than 60 patients infected with multidrug-resistant germs
As the Medical Board of the University Hospital Leipzig, Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang E. Fleig, yesterday in a press release explained, took place in recent days, another one „Thorough processing of all data from the past two years.“ The result: 63 patients have been infected with the multidrug-resistant KPC germs since 2010, and 30 patients with KPC have died in the meantime. It remains unclear how the bacteria resistant to numerous antibiotics could spread in the hospital. For the first time, they were detected in July 2010 in a patient who was transferred from a Greek hospital to the University Hospital. „To clarify the transmission chain and to further contain the University of Leipzig cooperates closely with the state authorities and the commissioned by the state authorities Robert Koch Institute together“, so the current message from the hospital. Professor Fleig explained that one promised oneself „from a co-ordinated common approach further assistance in the difficult handling of this germ.“

Relationship between the death of patients and the CCP germs?
Whether the KPC germs are linked to the deaths of the infected patients should also be re-examined as part of the ongoing investigations. However, be „Due to the complex disease happening in these patients with chronic illnesses for the individual case, statements on a causal relationship are medically extremely difficult“, so the message of the University Hospital Leipzig. Therefore, the four are called „renowned experts in the fields of hospital hygiene, infectiology, surgery and intensive care“, To critically review the pathology of the deceased, reports the hospital. How the result will look, can only be guessed so far. However, the University Hospital had already stated in a previous communication that it was known, „that disease progression of inpatients is negatively affected by colonization or infection with multidrug-resistant bacteria“, and that „This also applies to the patients colonized or infected at the Leipzig University Hospital with CCP“ applies. So it seems reasonable to assume that at least some of the deceased patients also have a connection between their death and the CCP germs. (Fp)

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Picture: Gerd Altmann