Irritant gas attack at school Nine students in the hospital

Irritant gas attack at school Nine students in the hospital / Health News
Nine students have to go to hospital after irritant gas attack
At a school in Wiesbaden unknown offenders sprayed irritating gas. Several children then complained of respiratory irritation and burning eyes. Nine students had to be treated in hospitals.

Respiratory tract irritation and burning eyes
According to media reports, 36 students of a school in Wiesbaden got irritating gas. Several children then complained of respiratory irritation and burning eyes. Nine of the students came to hospitals on Wednesday. The other children were looked after locally and medically and psychologically at the Albrecht Dürer School. The school operation was discontinued for the rest of the day.

At a school in Wiesbaden unknown offenders sprayed irritating gas. Nine students then had to be treated in hospitals. (Image: RAM /

Irritating gas stolen from the backpack of a student
According to a report of the Wiesbaden fire brigade portal "Wiesbaden112", three students suffered moderate, six minor injuries. "On the spot, more and more schoolchildren between the ages of 11 and 17, who complained about complaints, came more and more aggravated by the psychological effect," reads the portal.

According to police, the irritant gas was sprayed in a hallway on the first floor of the school building. According to the information, it had stolen the previously unknown perpetrators of a student from the backpack. The police are currently investigating possible suspects and are now investigating dangerous bodily harm.

Health risks due to irritant gas
Irritant gas, such as tear gas or pepper spray, is used in Germany, among others, by the police during demonstrations. Some people also acquire such funds privately for self-defense. Minors often find it difficult to obtain such sprays.

The symptoms caused by this usually occur immediately or a few seconds after spraying. Sprayed irritating gas can cause swelling of the mucous membranes and immediate closure of the eyelids. By inhaling the irritant usually cough and shortness of breath occur. An unpleasant itching often develops on the skin. (Ad)