Irritable bowel syndrome A diary can resolve many ailments

Irritable bowel syndrome A diary can resolve many ailments / Health News
Diary helps identify irritable bowel syndrome triggers
Many people in Germany suffer from indigestion in the form of the so-called irritable bowel syndrome (RDS). "Abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea are typical symptoms," reports the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). In order to get to the bottom of the individual trigger of the complaints, keeping a diary can be helpful.

Although the irritable bowel syndrome is not particularly dangerous for those affected, but they are often heavily burdened by the pain and the sometimes very sudden onset of urgency in their everyday lives. In some people, the symptoms are so severe that they severely limit daily life and become a psychological burden, reports the IQWiG. By keeping a diary, it is possible to determine possible negative but also positive influencing factors. In addition, there are various ways to alleviate the symptoms such as psyllium, peppermint oil, certain antispasmodic or hypnosis, explains the IQWiG.

A diary can help in the determination of possible triggers of irritable bowel syndrome, but also make positive influencing factors visible. (Image: Sergey Nivens /

Trigger the syndrome individually different
The cause of irritable bowel syndrome is still unknown, but several factors could be identified that could be the trigger. In particular, stress is a frequently mentioned risk factor, but nutrition often plays a role as well. The symptoms are individually very different and the treatment to alleviate the symptoms must therefore be targeted for the individual affected.

Diary helps to recognize patterns
First, it is necessary to determine possible individual triggers of the complaints. "For example, if you feel that certain foods increase your discomfort, you can test whether it helps to do without it," explains the IQWiG. In order to find out if certain measures such as avoiding food or more exercise have an effect, the experts recommend keeping a journal. In this "over a longer period registered, what you ate, when you were physically active, whether you felt stressed and how strong the complaints were each." Over time, so often certain patterns are recognizable.

Wide range of treatment options
Finally, there are a variety of recommendations that can help against irritable bowel syndrome, but most of these recommendations have not yet been reviewed in meaningful studies, reports the IQWiG. Also, numerous home remedies are available, which, however, in view of the individually different complaints do not help all concerned alike. "At least for some means and measures studies provide evidence that they can help," said the IQWiG. Examples include psyllium, peppermint oil, probiotics and psychological procedures such as stress management and hypnosis. Also anticonvulsants, remedies for diarrhea or constipation and medicines such as antibiotics or antidepressants are sometimes used in the treatment, but advises the IQWiG in view of the threat of side effects, the advantages and disadvantages of carefully weighing. (Fp)