Recall glass splinter in Müller-Diet milk rice

Recall glass splinter in Müller-Diet milk rice / Health News

Recall: Glass splinter in diet rice pudding from Müller


The dairy group Müller calls the rice pudding with the name „Müller rice pudding diet“ back from the trade. It is strongly discouraged before consumption, and serious health consequences for the consumer may arise.

Return action Müller Milchreis diet
The dairy manufacturer „ Alois Müller GmbH & Co. KG“ warns about the consumption of the product „Müller rice pudding diet“ with the best before date May 23, 2011 of the varieties diet rice pudding „Pure“, „cinnamon“ and „cherry“. The Baden-Württemberg agricultural and consumer protection ministry informed on a request that in the mentioned Müller rice pudding varieties small pieces of glass or glass particles could be contained. According to the ministry in Baden-Württemberg, the endangered rice pudding has reached the supermarket trade. In Austria, too, the named goods have reached the shelves. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, the affected markets are Spar, Eurospar or Interspar.

Consumption could harm health
Consumers should in no case consume already purchased goods, but bring the products back to the supermarket. Without receipts the sales price will be refunded without any problems. All other dairy products are not affected. Since the splinters can pose a danger to health, the authorities explicitly warn against consuming the product. The company itself has initiated a recall on Friday the 13th of May. How the glass splinters got into the products, further investigations must clarify.