Smoking, Alcohol and Obesity Unhealthy lifestyle triggers cataracts

Smoking, Alcohol and Obesity Unhealthy lifestyle triggers cataracts / Health News
Healthier lifestyle for protection against cataracts
In Germany, around ten million people suffer from a cataract. Without treatment, blindness can sometimes occur. The opacity of the eye lens can be accelerated by certain risk factors such as diabetes, smoking and excessive obesity. A healthier lifestyle is an important contribution to the protection against eye disease.

Especially common eye disease
According to the "German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) - Society of Ophthalmology" counts the gray cat with nearly ten million sufferers to the most common eye diseases in Germany. As the disease progresses, vision diminishes, colors and contrasts blur more and more. With age, the risk of a cataract increases.

Around ten million people in Germany suffer from a cataract. The opacity of the eye lens can be accelerated by an unhealthy lifestyle. (Image: mmphoto /

Risk factors for cataracts
Meanwhile, however, it is also known that factors such as smoking or nutrition have an influence on the risk of developing cataracts.

For example, British researchers have reported that cataracts are caused by diet in women and that high levels of vitamin C intake can provide protection against the disease.

A smoking waiver also reduces the risk of cataracts, reported Swedish researchers.

Turbidity of the eye lens is accelerated
In addition, metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoke and severe obesity (obesity) are important risk factors that accelerate the opacity of the eye lens until eventually surgery is needed.

Experts from the DOG therefore call for patients with incipient cataracts to be informed about these risk factors and to be supported in implementing a healthier lifestyle.

Without treatment, blindness can sometimes occur. There is no drug therapy.

"The affected lens can be surgically removed and replaced with an artificial lens," says the patient information portal of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). The vision can usually be largely restored.

The most common reason for visual impairment
According to estimates by the DOG, ophthalmologists in Germany have to operate at least 800,000 eyes per year for cataracts, the company reports in a statement. The lens exchange is thus the most common intervention in this country.

"The cataract is a real widespread disease and the most common reason for visual impairment worldwide," said DOG President Professor. med. Thomas Kohnen. "Genetic factors and environmental factors play a role in the pathogenesis, as we know today," Kohnen continued.

These relationships need to be further explored. According to Kohnen, a slight cloudiness of the eye lens from the age of 60 is a normal aging symptom. "Only when the turbidity increases so much that it seriously affects the vision, the clouded lens must be replaced by an artificial lens," said the physician.

Smoke stop, healthy diet and regular exercise
As stated in the communication, studies suggest that lifestyle, such as diet and physical activity, has an influence on how fast the cloudiness progresses.

Thus, the metabolic disease diabetes was identified in a British cohort study as a significant risk factor in postmenopausal women. In study participants who suffered from diabetes mellitus, the risk of being operated on for cataracts was three times greater than in healthy subjects.

Tobacco use increased this risk by 26 percent and a strong overweight by 12 percent. "These results show once again how important it is that as ophthalmologists, we educate patients about how they can help prevent the progression of a cataract," explained Professor Dr. med. Christian Ohrloff, spokesman for the DOG.

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