Rat poison at Lidl

Rat poison at Lidl / Health News

Health risk for Lidl customers - rat poison in the salesrooms?


Without appropriate information or warning of the customers and without notification to the health department was, according to research by the ARD magazine „contrasts“ Rat poison designed in the salesrooms of some stores of the discounter Lidl. Pink and bluish globules are said to have been used in supermarkets to control pests. The substance found in the Berlin Lidl supermarket was „examined in an accredited testing laboratory“ been, with the result that „In the sample a significant toxic effect can be detected“ could, reports the ARD. The substances could be dangerous not only to rats but also to humans.

Opposite the magazine „contrasts“ have some Lidl employees described, „that in Lower Saxony, Bavaria and Berlin rat poison would be used in sales rooms“, so the current press release of the ARD. The samples subsequently taken in a Berlin market confirmed these statements. It has been detected not only for animals, but also for humans toxic substance. According to the research of the ARD magazine, the employees were „instructed to work only with gloves and never inhale the powder.“ Because in the worst case can be caused by the rat poison severe burns, respiratory problems or even heart problems. The ARD quotes a Lidl employee with the statement: „Some stores that have pink rat poison. That's not so poisonous to humans, but the blue stuff, as we've been told before, if we can get that on our hands, to the respiratory system, that we're going to die, so to speak.“

According to the ARD report, neither the customers nor the competent health department were informed about the use of the rat poison in the sales rooms of Lidl. „There were no warnings from the branch management for customers“ and although „According to applicable law, show Lidl a rat infestation with the local health department“ would have been, in the case of the Berlin market of the responsible authority according to own data no corresponding message. Beate Sabally, the leading health care worker in the Berlin district of Tempelhof-Schöneberg, explained that the risk of a life-threatening danger is a particular danger to the children of rats, reports ARD. When a child absorbs the toxins, „the blood dilutes and the child can bleed to death.“ This, too, is one reason why „Only recognized pest control rat poison“ allowed.

By now, most rat poisons from the EU authorities are extremely critical, not least because they can also have a lethal effect on other creatures. In addition, the animals often suffer a long time after poisoning before they die. Since January 2013, the sale of rat poisons has only been possible through the specialized trade and the application should only be carried out by knowledgeable persons - with a proven qualification. Whether this requirement has been adhered to at Lidl must be clarified in further investigations. The question also arises as to whether the usual warning signs for rat baits, with reference to the toxic substances contained and the risk to children, would not have been appropriate at this point. The discounter Lidl based in Neckarsulm responded to a request from the ARD magazine with a written statement in which the company emphasizes the evidence of „contrasts“ would be taken very seriously and you would be intensely involved with the „deal with relevant business processes at all levels.“

Another question that consumers face in the light of the ARD report is why rats can be found in so many federal states in the discounter's stores. However, for reasons of hygiene, control must take place as soon as infestation with the pests is ascertained, but this remains undisputed. Regrettably, rat poison is still the most effective and cheapest method to this day. However, the legal requirements should be complied with and only the appropriately qualified pest controllers should interpret the toxic substances. Corresponding warnings in open spaces seem obvious here, but apparently not for everyone, as the current case at Lidl illustrates. (Fp)

Picture: khv24