Counselor against the carnival hangover

Counselor against the carnival hangover / Health News

Carnival, Carnival, Carnival: Tips against the hangover


„On Ash Wednesday, everything will be over“, is an old German Carnival song. But it is not over for many revelers then yet. Ash Wednesday begins with bad headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Some tips can help against the carnival hangover.

Carnival usually consumes a lot of alcohol
Ash Wednesday begins for many people with bad headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Often also a gastritis (gastritis) and loss of appetite added. Whether carnival parades, carnival celebrations or carnival events: Mostly a lot of alcohol in the game. In order not to end up in a vale of tears after the fifth season, there are ways to minimize the risk of a hangover in the run-up, and in acute cases, some home remedies can sometimes be helpful.

Fat and high calorie food before celebrating
For example, some nutrition experts advise you to eat a high-fat and high-calorie meal so that the digestive tract is not overused and the head does not hurt too much. Alcohol should not be drunk on an empty stomach and if possible not messed up. Pasta dishes, tuna in oil or fried potatoes are suitable as a good basis. When celebrating, the basic rule is that every alcoholic drink is followed by a glass of mineral water. This reduces alcohol intake, and the body does not dry out. In addition, snacks such as nuts, cheese snacks or a strong soup are recommended in between.

Lack of water and minerals prepares a headache
The main cause of headaches and post-thurst the following morning is the lack of water and minerals. Carbonated or sugar-rich drinks such as cocktails and liqueurs, in which the alcohol circulates particularly fast in the bloodstream, are particularly violent. Although alcohol is absorbed quickly by the body, it is broken down only slowly. It takes about two and a half hours for a man weighing 80 kilograms to break down 20 grams of alcohol. That's about half a liter of beer, a quarter of a liter of wine or three glasses of schnapps.

Sour-salty hangover breakfast
Despite such precautions, Ash Wednesday often begins with health conditions such as nausea, headaches and dizziness. These are best combated with plenty of mineral water, fruit juice spritzers and a sour-salty and water-rich hangover breakfast. As a home remedy for headaches, a hearty sauerkraut stew, fried herring, olives, savory biscuits and pickles are often better than medicines. So the acid promotes the breakdown of alcohol, the salt replaces lost minerals, and the spicy spices are good for stimulating digestion. As a home remedy for nausea teas, such as chamomile tea offer. Dr. Ursula Marschall, chief physician at the Barmer GEK, says according to press reports that exercise in the fresh air helps best against hangovers. (Ad)

Image: Rudolpho Duba