Advice Bee honey better never warm above 40 degrees

Advice Bee honey better never warm above 40 degrees / Health News
Tasty and healthy: honey should not be heated above 40 degrees
Every German consumes around one kilo of honey every year. With the flower nectar, for example, teas or desserts are refined. But it has also always been used as a home remedy for physical complaints. It is important not to overheat honey.

A tried and tested home remedy for various ailments
Honey is popular with many Germans. On average, every German consumes about a kilo of it every year. It is used for baking and cooking or for sweetening teas. In addition, honey has long been used against health problems. Among other things, it relieves the cough in children during the night and is used by some people because of its antibacterial effect for the treatment of small wounds. When healing with the home remedy honey is usually advised by experts to use natural products.

Honey should not be heated above 40 degrees according to experts. Because then some ingredients, such as enzymes, are lost. (Image: nitr /

Honey loses some ingredients when heated
The all-rounder is very sensitive to heat. Honey loses more than 40 degrees of quality through heating. "Some ingredients (such as various enzymes) are sensitive to heat and are lost during baking," explains the consumer service Bayern on its website.

If it is appropriate, honey should therefore be added to the respective dish only after cooling.

Consistency says nothing about the quality
The consistency of honey, however, has nothing to do with quality. Whether it is rather solid or liquid depends on the type of sugar contained. "Rape honey is solid due to its higher glucose content (grape sugar). Forest honey, on the other hand, contains more fructose (fructose), which makes the honey more fluid, "say the experts.

Unfortunately, again and again an increased pollution in honey is detected. According to studies by the magazine "Öko-Test", glyphosate and genetic engineering are sometimes included in the products. It also became apparent that the question bio or conventional does not necessarily make the difference. (Ad)