Radon heat therapy for bone construction

Radon heat therapy for bone construction / Health News

Treatment works multiple times in osteoporosis patients


Every second woman over the age of 60 suffers from or is at high risk for osteoporosis. Most doctors discover the disease only by vertebral fractures, when it hurts in the back suddenly agonizing. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, more than 8.7 million people are plagued with so-called bone loss. The most common consequences of osteoporosis are fractures caused by minimal stress. In addition, in some cases, the body deforms to the so-called widow's hump. For fear of further breakage and pain, sufferers move less, withdraw socially and in some cases even become depressed. Side effects of analgesics also burden osteoporosis patients. Radon heat therapy offers an alternative to medicines. Not only does it relieve pain, it also promotes bone-building processes, according to recent research.

The therapy is based on three pillars: radon, heat and humidity positively influence pain and osteoporotic bone loss. Temperatures over 37.5 degrees Celsius and humidity between 70 and 100 percent trigger a mild, therapeutic fever, the hyperthermia effect. This process has a muscle relaxant and pain relieving at the same time. In addition, the body absorbs radon particularly well on the heavily perfused skin and dilated pores. „The natural noble gas releases mild alpha rays in the body and reduces inflammatory processes. Radon also has a positive influence on the amount of painkillers and the body's own cell repair mechanisms. These include the bone-building processes that are important in osteoporosis patients“, explains Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen.

Background: In adolescence, bone mass increases until it is at its thickest at the age of 30 to 40 years. Meanwhile, the skeleton renews itself every eight to ten years. The body breaks down old bone material and new. In older people, hormonal fluctuations often interfere with this balance. Osteoporosis occurs as more bone breaks down than builds up. Studies have shown that radon heat therapy inhibits a substance in the body that is responsible for bone loss. Although this process does not cure osteoporosis, it stops the rapid progression of the disease. In addition, the therapy relieves pain in those affected for about nine months. Due to these effects, they often dare to move after radon heat treatments and thus improve their accompanying therapies. Sport therapy, adequate vitamin D intake and calcium-rich nutrition are important additional building blocks in the treatment of osteoporosis. For example, trained muscles support the bones, promote posture and coordination, and therefore prevent fractures.