Prostate Discomfort Diabetes can significantly increase symptoms

Prostate Discomfort Diabetes can significantly increase symptoms / Health News
Urinary problems: Diabetes can increase prostate symptoms
Approximately one in two men over the age of 50 and almost everyone over the age of 80 suffers from prostate enlargement. Patients usually have complaints about urination. People with diabetes may experience such symptoms.

Many older men have prostate problems
As a rule, the prostate enlarges with age. Approximately one in two men over the age of 50 and almost everyone over the age of 80 suffers from prostate enlargement. Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and medical director of the medical network Uro-GmbH North Rhine, said in an interview: "The proximity to the urethra can lead to constrictions - combined with different problems in urination." The consequences: weak urinary stream, Nachtröpfeln or suddenly stronger urination. In diabetics, these problems can increase.

In many men it comes to the advanced age to a prostate enlargement. This is often accompanied by complaints when urinating. In diabetics, these problems can increase. (Image: Andrey Popov /

Discomfort when urinating
"People often notice that the stream of urine is slowing down, starting urine problems, and several attempts are needed to empty the bladder completely," says the expert.

"More evidence of enlargement include increased urination during urination, more frequent toilet trips or dripping urine."

The urologist dr. Holger Uhthoff from Speyer explained in the pharmacy magazine "Diabetes Ratgeber" (2/2017) that people with diabetes are more often affected by such problems, especially "when the diabetes is poorly adjusted".

Negative effects add up
"If bad sugar levels and an enlarged prostate come together, the negative effects will add up," Dr. Uhthoff .

In some cases, the symptoms can be prevented even by a good treatment of diabetes. In addition to medical treatment, sufferers are advised to move more, eat healthier and possibly reduce their weight.

According to researchers, losing weight can in many cases normalize insulin levels.

Enlarged prostate does not always cause problems
In the case of prostate problems, the general rule is that you should turn to a specialist in urology for more severe and persistent symptoms.

"Depending on the severity of the symptoms, other illnesses and patient wishes, drug or surgical therapies are used. Often, however, an enlarged prostate does not cause any problems. " Shepherd.

"If surgery is required, the symptoms are significantly reduced in most patients." Surgeons often use endoscopic procedures and, increasingly, laser techniques during surgery. (Ad)