Program Medical Homeopathy 2012 appeared

Program Medical Homeopathy 2012 appeared / Health News

Medical Homeopathy 2012 of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhÄ) has been published


This year, the annual program of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) is dedicated to the topic of science and research in homeopathy in a special way. Here experts come to speak, such as Dipl.-Stat. Rainer Lüdtke from the Essen Karl and Veronica Carstens Foundation, who gives a study overview of clinical research on homeopathy in his article. For a different approach is the physicist dr. nat. Stephan Baumgartner from the University of Bern. Baumgartner conducts basic research and wants to understand the mechanism of action of homeopathy. „For me, homeopathic remedies are a phenomenon“, he says in an interview. Successful in practice, „but at the same time, I do not know any theory that could explain the specific effectiveness of highly diluted homeopathic remedies in contemporary science“, so Baumgartner - that drives him.

The center of the 116-page booklet, however, is the medical further education and training, special chapters are aimed at medical students, pharmacists, veterinarians and dentists: How does the training for the additional designation of homeopathy or training for homeopathy diploma of the DZVhÄ? Which training courses are recognized for the diploma and the selective contracts homeopathy? How are quality circles found and what literature recommends reading the DZVhÄ? The annual program 2012 contains the answers. In addition, there are, as usual, many useful information and tips around the homeopathic practice and an overview of the structures of the German Central Association of homeopathic physicians and its fields of work. In an interview, the chairmen of the DZVhÄ, the doctors Cornelia Bajic and Silvia Nuvoloni-Buhl, explain the objectives of the DZVhÄ. The oldest medical association in this country today is a modern professional association, which takes care of various tasks of professional advocacy, such as the receipt of homeopathic medicines, the quality of homeopathic further education and the presence of homeopathic billing rates in the GOÄ.

The annual program 2012 of the DZVhÄ can be ordered free of charge from the DZVhÄ office, Am Hofgarten 5, 53113 Bonn, Tel. 0228 2425 330, Fax: 0228 2425 331, E-Mail: [email protected] or from the DZVhÄ webpage www.welt- are downloaded. (Pm)