Program against nursing shortage demanded

Program against nursing shortage demanded / Health News

Sozialverband Volkssolidarität calls for a program against careers shortage of skilled workers.

(07.09.2010) What is needed are not simple solutions, but a national program for the further development of the nursing profession, said the Federal Director of the Social and Welfare Association. Bernd Netherland, on Tuesday on the demand to increasingly employ unemployed people in the care sector.

The recurrent call for the use of unemployed people in care is of little help.The shortage of skilled workers in nursing has a variety of causes.This requirement starts in the analysis.The problem is primarily in the absence of skilled workers.Sufficiently well-trained nurses can not be found through action Gaining nurses from Eastern European neighbors, even at the push of a button at the employment agencies. "Necessary is a program for the development of the nursing profession.

According to popular solidarity, such a program must include the following elements: Training in the nursing profession should be improved. Instead of lowering standards, the manifold requirements of day-to-day care must increasingly be placed at the forefront of training. Education needs to be better funded, and care institutions need more support when they become active in education. The pay of nurses has to be significantly improved. As long as a craftsman's hour is paid much better than one hour of professional care, the nursing profession is not very attractive to young people. This requires better overall care financing than is the case today.

In order for the profession to become attractive and to be practicable in the long term, the work pressure has to be reduced, which can only be achieved with better working conditions and more personnel Equal wages for East and West Low wages East are a major reason why young and well-trained nurses leave the new countries.
The social recognition of the nursing profession should be increased. Those who face the difficult task of caring for sick and old people deserve respect and respect. This requires a thorough paradigm shift in the public image of care. Holland called on the Federal Government to come up with a concept against the skills shortage in nursing, which takes up these demands. (Pm)