Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Hillejan Questions and answers about hemorrhoids

Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Hillejan Questions and answers about hemorrhoids / Health News

Hemorrhoids in focus: 3 questions to proctologist Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Stefan Hillejan

It burns, itches and often causes pain while sitting. Problems in the rectum area represent probably one of the most unpleasant conditions. Often the necessary in the case of medical visit from shame and fear of examination and treatment methods. At this point, most patients alone will help the background knowledge and clear some fears out of the way. Prof. (University of Chisinau) Dr. Stefan Hillejan, proctologist and phlebologist from the practice of venous and terminal bowel disease from Hannover, answered the most common questions and even has good news:

What signs indicate hemorrhoidal disease??

"In the initial stages, hemorrhoids are not always noticeable. For some symptoms, however, sufferers should listen. These include, for example, bright red traces of blood in the stool, which may indicate an enlarged vessel cushion in the rectum area. But a burning or itching on the anus for several days is also a typical symptom that a proctologist should study more closely. As a general rule, the sooner patients go to a rectal specialist with their condition, the better they can be treated. Shame should be put off quickly. Because for us as physicians, such developments do not represent an isolated case but everyday life. "

What awaits me at the first medical appointment?

"If sufferers go with their complaints to a proctologist, first a detailed conversation takes place in which patients describe their symptoms. Often, the physician derives alone from whether it is possibly a Hemorrhoidalleiden. If the patient complains of blood in the stool, the specialist in the rectum also cautiously scans the anus region to exclude other diseases such as tumors. As a rule, a final reflection of the anal canal and the rectum is performed in order to consolidate the diagnosis. Since there are no pain receptors in this section of the intestine, those affected hardly feel the examination. On request, the treatment can be done in light twilight sleep. Thus, any fears of going to the doctor turn out to be completely unfounded. "

Is a hemorrhoid treatment painful?

"If the diagnosis of hemorrhoids is fixed, the proctologist and the patient discuss in peace which treatments are suitable. Through mild anesthesia and due to the insensitive tissue area in the intestine, patients do not feel the selected therapy. Depending on the stage, the physician carefully shrinks the extended vascular pad at the anus with the aid of an injected solution or binds it with a fine thread. In some cases it also blocks the main artery of the hemorrhoidal plexus. Highly advanced stages no longer necessarily require surgery. They can be treated with gentle laser therapy, also called laser haemorrhoidoplasty, in just 20 minutes on an outpatient basis. "(Pm)