Pro Familia for prescription for pill afterwards

Pro Familia for prescription for pill afterwards / Health News

Pill then available over the counter in many European countries without prescription


In the discussion about a possible prescription freedom for the pill thereafter, the advice center Pro Familia takes a clear position. The federal chairman Daphne Hahn spoke to the news agency „dpa“ from „paternalism“ in connection with the prescription requirement for emergency contraceptives. Even doctors have part „a very condescending look“ on women who asked about the pill afterward. „When a young woman in England asks for the pill after that, she is congratulated on her sense of responsibility“, Hahn reported. „In Germany she first gets thrown at the head, why she did not prevent.

Many doctors are in the way of liberal treatment with pill afterwards
The Pro-Familia national chairman sees in a prescription freedom for the pill afterwards „the chance to act responsibly“. It could always come to situations that required the taking of an emergency contraceptive, for example, when a condom burst. In such cases, from a medical point of view, no visit to a doctor is necessary. „The pill after that is about time“, so cock. Access to emergency contraceptives had to be made as easy as possible. But many German doctors opposed the liberal handling of the pills. In other European countries, the issue would be dealt with in a more exemplary way. „What is international standard must also be standard here“, demanded Hahn.

Critics of the prescription freedom for the pill then fear a too careless handling especially of young people with sexuality by a liberalization of the pill allocation. As an example, Great Britain is often cited, where despite prescription freedom of emergency contraceptives the numbers of teenage pregnancies are very high. (Ag)

Image: Harald Wanetschka / pixelio.d