Per active bladder How many times a day to the toilet is normal?

Per active bladder How many times a day to the toilet is normal? / Health News
Overactive bladder: coffee does not work, alcohol does
On the highway, at an important date - the bubble often comes in when it just does not fit. Usually there is no going back, because the impulse to use the toilet can not be suppressed. Although the psyche is mostly to blame for the urge to urinate in the inappropriate situations, but once triggered, the reflex can not be stopped. However, those who try to train their bladder for a higher capacity with their own power harm their health. This is indicated by the Uro-GmbH Nordrhein, an association of established urologists.

"Many have to, although they do not have to," Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and managing director of the network. "For many, the urge to urinate when they get nervous because no toilet is in sight. But the bubble is not really full in most cases. "Anyone who first went to the quiet little place does not have to return a few minutes later. The pretext that recently water was drunk and therefore one must again, is usually not true.

While some people drink tons of food without urinating, others run to the bathroom after a drink. A cause for concern is usually not frequent urination, but in some cases it is an indication of serious illnesses. (Image: Voyagerix /

The drunk liquid takes about two hours to the bladder. Even people in whom a rippling water causes urination, usually purely organically considered not yet to the toilet. Here there is a misinterpretation between ear, brain and bladder. But no matter why the bladder reports, urination is an individual thing and can not be delayed.

The female bladder usually holds 400 milliliters, the male about 500. But with sensitive bladder sensors, the bladder asks for emptying already at 200 milliliters. The phenomenon of overactive bladder affects almost 70 percent of women. "From a medical point of view, this is usually not a problem as long as there is no blood in the urine, pain or fever" Shepherd. Only if you never had any problems, but suddenly has to go to the toilet all the time, that should be clarified.

Those who try to train their individual capacity by suppressing the urge to urinate harms their health. Urinary urgency is a reflex that can not be influenced. If the urine is retained, it causes pain, nausea or pelvic floor cramps. In addition, there is a risk that urine is forced back into the kidneys. This damages the sensitive organs in the long run.

So: Be sure to go to the bathroom, if need be! The renunciation of coffee is also not successful in an overactive bladder. Caffeine, contrary to popular belief, does not work as a diuretic. Alcohol, on the other hand, affects the hormone ADH and thus accelerates the passage to the toilet. Anyone who feels impaired in everyday life by the overactive bladder, should visit a urologist, because there are drugs against the hypersensitivity of the bladder sensors.