Private health insurance companies recognize non-medical practitioners as cooperation partners

Private health insurance companies recognize non-medical practitioners as cooperation partners / Health News
HUK Coburg and PAX Familienfürsorge are seeking alternative practitioners as cooperation partners. They offer an "agreement on alternative practitioner services" in which the cooperation partners undertake to treat patients who are insured by HUK or PAX with the allowances of the federal subsidy.

Cooperation opportunities for naturopaths. Image: F.Schmidt - fotolia

The essential rates of the two insurance companies often reimburse non-medical practitioner benefits up to the maximum amount of the fee. The agreement initially looks like a restriction to the maximum amounts of aid. Why should you sign this agreement anyway? The most important reason may be the cost reduction for the patient. For this reason, the BDH has been recommending these Federal Government grants to federal and provincial officials who have worked in the states that joined the agreement since 2011. Because this way you can prevent the patient from having to expect a deductible.

The agreement of HUK-Coburg / PAX Familienfürsorge regulates various cornerstones of cooperation. All points that are unproblematic from the perspective of the BDH. In the next issue of the German Naturopathic Journal (DHZ 8/2015), Siegfried Kämper, Vice President of the BDH, summarized and commented on the key criteria for you.

The good thing about the situation is that now private funds want to conclude agreements with us. This means that non-medical practitioners are even more firmly anchored in the health system. (Pm)