Private Health Insurance That's changing

Private Health Insurance That's changing / Health News

Private health insurance: This has changed since the beginning of 2011


Since the beginning of the health reform of the black and yellow federal government came into force. The new regulations affect not only the statutory health insurance, but also the private health insurance (PKV). PKV in particular was able to elicit numerous benefits from the government as part of the reforms.

Three-year deadline for change is eliminated
In the future, private health insurance can count on a membership increase. As of 2011, employees can more easily switch from statutory health insurance to private health insurance. This is made possible by the omission of the so-called "three-year period". Salaried employees and civil servants only have to earn more over the course of a year of employment than the compulsory insurance limit. The mandatory limit for a change since the beginning of the year at 49,500 euros instead of 49,950 euros. The industry expects a slight increase in the number of insureds due to this innovation.

PKV has been increasing contributions since the beginning of the year
But who has the desire to change, should also note that the PKV contributions almost nationwide more expensive. According to health experts, the insured contributions increase on average by seven percent. However, private health insurance providers offer numerous entry-level tariffs, which can be more favorable, especially for independent and young policyholders. But caution is needed here. Because in old age these tariffs are closed. The contributions are gradually being increased massively. If the policyholder's living conditions change and children join, every single child must also be individually insured. Family reinsurance is completely unknown in private health insurance.

Also the private health insurance increasingly has to deal with the fact that the costs increase in the health service. People are getting older, fees for doctors and clinics are rising, and spending on medicine and medicines is also increasing rapidly. As the number one cost driver, private health insurance chiefly mentions rising medical fees. Thus, the private health insurance must save costs as well as the legal. With the difference that the federal government with subsidies supports the GKV as a solidarity community.

Special right of termination in case of increase in private health insurance contributions
If the contributions increase within a closed tariff, then private health insurance policy holders can make use of a special right of termination. It should be noted that the retirement provisions can not be taken on a tariff change. This means that a change is worthwhile in only a few cases, especially as the private health insurance industry increases its coverage almost everywhere. Anyone who nevertheless strives for a change from the GKV in the PKV or a tariff change, should be informed in advance exactly. The counseling centers of the Consumer Centers provide independent advice. This is where citizens can compare contracts before they are actually completed at the private health provider. (Sb)

Also read:
The health care reform comes into force
From 2011: Higher health costs

Picture: Margot Kessler