Pizza salami test frozen pizza with a lot of fat
Stiftung Warentest checks frozen pizza: taste with five salami pizzas „very well“
Stiftung Warentest examined 27 frozen salami pizzas in terms of their taste, ingredients and other criteria. Her conclusion: frozen pizza is often better in taste than its reputation. Too often pizza should not be on the menu, because most of the frozen products contain a lot of fat and salt.
Two best-selling products for salami pizza were the best
Five of 27 salami pizzas were produced by Stiftung Warentest „very well“ rated in taste. A total of 19 products received the quality rating „Well“, this included two organic pizzas. „During the tasting, the testers found a number of salami pizzas that satisfied even the highest culinary demands. Their topping was particularly aromatic, their bottom crispy on the outside and airy and loose on the inside, including the rim“, inform the consumer advocates. The detailed results are in the April issue of the newspaper „test“ released.
Two classic, expensive brand products performed best. The cheap own brands of trade were mostly with „satisfying“ rated. This quality judgment also received a gluten-free salami pizza. The testers also discovered two much worse products. According to Stiftung Warentest Pizza Real / Tip disappointed due to incorrect recommendations for preparation and the partly raw and bitter vegetables, so the testers only one „sufficient“ could forgive. Pizza Casa Romantica contained too much white oil in the soil. „This may be used by the food industry for technical applications, such as greasing machinery and equipment. However, manufacturers must ensure that the food is not contaminated with white oil“, explains project manager Dr. Birgit Rehlender from Stiftung Warentest. Consequently, this pizza got only one „inadequate“.
Frozen pizza should not be on the menu as often
Despite the mostly good and satisfying test results, frozen pizza should not be on the menu too often. Because most products contain a lot of fat and salt. „Pizza is generally a salt and fat rich dish - deep-frozen pizzas usually too. Anyone who approves of an entire salami pizza as an adult takes an average of 34.5 grams of fat and thus almost half of the daily recommended maximum amount of fat of 72 grams“, so Rehlender. „A lot of fat burdens the daily energy account, which should not exceed 2150 kilocalories in the rule: A pizza has an average of 847 kilocalories. The tolerated daily limit of salt of 6 grams almost exploits a single pizza from the test with an average of 5.1 grams.“ These are average values that would even be significantly exceeded in individual cases.
The consumer shooters therefore advise not to consume frozen pizza too often. „We recommend: half a pizza and a salad with a sauce of rapeseed oil - a tasty and healthy combination.“ (Ag)
> Image: Timo Klostermeier