Mushroom Guide Mushrooms salt after cooking

Mushroom Guide Mushrooms salt after cooking / Health News
Expert Tips: Season mushrooms only after cooking
A few weeks ago, the mushroom season has started. You can enjoy the delicious "mushroom" but all year round. Not only the ones bought from the supermarket, but also collected ones, for example by drying them. Experts have even more tips.

Enjoy mushrooms all year round
A few weeks ago, the mushroom season began in Germany. Some would wish that the season lasts all year round. You can make "mushrooms" - as they are called in Bavaria - but also durable. The news agency dpa reports how it works and how to best prepare mushrooms in a pan. The agency refers to expert tips in the journal "Fundus - Fachmagazin Hauswirtschaft" (September 2015 issue).

Only later salt - delicious mushroom pan. Image: Quade - fotolia

Salt only after cooking
So mushrooms and mushroom dishes should always be salted after cooking so that they stay nicely juicy. To enjoy mushrooms even out of season, you can make them, for example, by drying preserved. This is best cut into thin slices and spread on a baking tray. Then allow to dry at a maximum of 40 degrees for about five hours in a slightly open oven. When packaged airtight, dried mushrooms can be stored for about a year. For example, you can use it well for sauces. Tasty recipes with mushrooms can be found on the internet.

Grow mushrooms in the garden yourself
In the future, mushroom lovers will be able to enjoy home-grown mushrooms from their own garden if they wish. Thus, different mushrooms can be cultivated in their own garden according to the Federal Environment and Nature Conservation Union (BUND). Spring is well suited for planting a mushroom garden. According to the experts, ready-to-eat mushroom broilers with the accompanying culture instructions or ready-to-in-use straw bales and woods are available for the cultivation of the edible mushrooms. (Ad)