Mushroom extracts in Helicobacter

Mushroom extracts in Helicobacter / Health News

Study: Golden yellow Zitterling against Helicobacter bacteria


The golden yellow Zitterling (Tremella mesenterica), a fungus, has already proven in laboratory studies in the growth inhibition of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Now, an Israeli research team wanted to test whether the fungus is also suitable for human clinical trials. Although the fungus treatment of the conventional standard therapy was inferior in the healing effect, however, probands complained of far fewer side effects.

Scientists tested whether one or two capsules, each containing one gram of Zitterling extract, can inhibit bacterial growth in the stomach. 52 study participants were divided into three groups: Group A received a conventional therapy from two different antibiotics (amoxicillin, clarithromycin) and a proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole), group B took two daily Zitterling capsules in combination with omeprazole, while group C only took the two zitterlings Capsules got.

During the treatment both the development of Helicobacter colonization of the stomach and subjective data such as e.g. investigated the emergence of undesirable effects.

As a result, the mushroom extract performed less well than the standard therapy in inhibiting Helicobacter colonization. He could not completely eliminate the bacterial strains. However, the patients in the Zitterling group reported less adverse effects and better mood than the other two groups. The researchers therefore recommend further studies in which the parameters, e.g. Therapy time, dose or bacterial strains should be changed. (Pm)

Also read:
Naturopathy: mushrooms as medicine

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