Pill soon without a prescription

Pill soon without a prescription / Health News

EU recommends over-the-counter dispensing of emergency contraception in pharmacies


For the so-called „Pill afterwards“ Until now, women had to go to a doctor first because prescriptions and advice were mandatory for the use of emergency contraception. Now, however, the EU's drug experts have opted for a non-prescription drug „ellaOne“ pronounced in pharmacies. While Minister of Health Gröhe (CDU) had previously stuck to the prescription obligation, see the women of the SPD faction in the political change of course a great step forward for the „Self-determination of modern women“.

Prescription and medical advice so far mandatory
So far, there was the so-called „Pill afterwards“ only on prescription. The problem with this: Although the drug can prevent an unwanted pregnancy after a contraceptive period, but only if it is taken as soon as possible. But not every woman can make it to a doctor in time, either because the practice is closed on the weekend or a visit is filled with fear or shame. Nevertheless, the Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe (CDU) has been strictly adhering to the fact that women should receive the pill after unprotected sexual intercourse only on prescription and after medical consultation.

European Food Safety Authority recommends prescription freedom for pill containing ulipristal „ellaOne“
Now, however, European Medicines Agency (EMA) has on Friday for an over-the-counter delivery of the drug „ellaOne“ in pharmacies which has been centrally authorized by the European Union. It is an ulipristal emergency contraceptive that can be used up to 120 hours (5 days) after a possible unwanted fertilization to prevent pregnancy. „Based on the analysis of the available information, the CHMP has concluded that ellaOne can be safely and effectively used without a prescription. ellaOne has been authorized in the EU since 2009 and comprehensive information on risks and benefits has been collected and investigated“, such a recent communication from the EMA. If the EU Commission were to abolish the obligation to prescribe products throughout the EU, this would also mean that the drug was released free of charge for Germany.

Pharmacists should take responsibility for proper handling
For the Federal Pharmacists Association an important step, precisely because the effectiveness is highest when the pill is taken as soon as possible. „Without prescription, we could help our patients even faster. In the local pharmacies with their low-threshold and nationwide night and emergency service, women receive the 'after pill' immediately“, says Dr. Andreas Kiefer, President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists. According to Kiefer, of course, the pharmacists would be responsible for the proper use of the preparation. An important point, because critics fear, among other things, that easier access could lead to a neglect of long-term contraception.

Criteria for quality advice needed
For Minister Hermann Gröhe not a simple situation, accordingly, he stressed against the „dpa“, First, a close examination of the recommendations of the EU Medicines Committee is required. If Brussels would take the decision against a compulsory consultation by a doctor, was „An intensive consultation also in the pharmacies the right way“, admitted Gröhe. In this case, it is important, however, with doctors, pharmacies and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices „To develop criteria for quality advice“, the minister continued. Also Jens Spahn, the health policy spokesman of the CDU, is critical of the decision of the licensing authority: „It is a pity that our arguments in Brussels do not appear to be heard. But in any case we want to ensure a high level of consultation with the pill afterwards.“ This could be done, for example, with the help of a consultation form in the pharmacy, which was already mandatory in Switzerland, Spahn added „dpa“.

SPD women welcome Gröhe's change of course
On the other hand, Gröhe's change of direction was positively received by the women of the SPD faction. As the SPD health politician Martina Stamm-Fibich emphasized, the over-the-counter access to the pill is long overdue „and an important part of the right of self-determination of modern women.“ In this context, it is also necessary to offer women the opportunity to offer cheaper and medically further researched preparations. Accordingly, not only ulipristalhaltige pills should be freely available in the future, but also products containing the active ingredient levonorgestrel. (No)

Picture: Wilhelmine Wulff