Pill after from the Internet

Pill after from the Internet / Health News

Pill afterwards“ will be available in the future via online prescription without a doctor's visit


The „Pill afterwards“ should in the future be available via an online recipe on the Internet. The women would then no longer have to go to the doctor to have you prescribe the emergency contraceptive preparation. The online practice of „Dred“ in the UK would issue the recipe.

„Pill afterwards“ should be prescribed on the internet via online practice
Without a doctor's visit, women could in the future a recipe for the „Pill afterwards“ receive. All they have to do is complete a questionnaire on the computer. They then receive payment from the online doctors of 25 euros „Dred“ the desired recipe. The online practice now cooperates with 750 pharmacies in Germany, because the product is prescription in Germany. As the „Southgerman newspaper“ However, experts warn against the „questionable pseudo-recipes“.

In other countries like Austria the „Pill afterwards“ already available without prescription for some time. Organizations such as Pro Familia are committed to ensuring that the prescription requirement for the emergency contraceptive preparation is also eliminated in Germany. The „Pill afterwards“ can prevent an unwanted pregnancy up to 72 hours after intercourse. (Ag)

Image: Benjamin Klack