Pesticides frequently contaminated Chinese herbs

Pesticides frequently contaminated Chinese herbs / Health News

The environmental protection organization Greenpeace warns of pesticide residues in Chinese medicinal herbs in Germany


As the Federation of German Naturopaths announced, environmental activists from Greenpeace had had herbal products from China examined, which include: in Germany are to buy. For example, chrysanthemums, goji berries, honeysuckle, dried lily root, sanquiblut, Chinese dates and rosebuds were analyzed.

Terrifying results
The analysis showed that the 36 samples were heavily contaminated with pesticides. Seventeen of the 36 samples had pesticide residues classified as extreme or highly dangerous by the World Health Organization (WHO). 26 out of 29 products contained residues above the maximum permitted in the EU.

Buy in the pharmacy
The mirror took up the topic and recommends the purchase in the pharmacy. The medicinal herbs sold there are regarded as medicines and must be tested again in Europe for pesticides. (Pm)