Pesticides basmati rice found

Pesticides basmati rice found / Health News

Stiftung Warentest: 16 basmati rice products inadequate. 22 varieties were contaminated with pesticides. Pesticides can endanger your health.

(29.07.2010) Founded in 1964 by the Bundestag and subsequently founded Stiftung Warentest has tested the increasingly popular in Germany basmati rice. Basmati rice is a long-grain rice that is particularly aromatic. Until a few years ago, he was exclusively to be found in oriental dishes. But already in every fifth rice pack sold is Basmati rice. Reason enough to examine the product range offered.

Of the 31 products tested, 16 outperformed more than half „inadequate“ from. Two products did not even contain basmati rice. A total of 22 products were contaminated with pesticides, including organic products. Of the organic products, only one was free of pesticides. In a total of ten of the Basmati rice products tested, the testers found traces of a gas that is used against pests in ship transport, the so-called methyl bromide, which is also called bromomethane and is said to be harmful to ozone, among other things. In Germany, the fumigation with the contact and respiratory poison gas, which can damage the nervous system, banned since 2006.

In addition to the substantive burdens, the testers also partly criticized the quality of Basmati rice. The Basmati rice is due to its growing aroma and popularity in Europe. The testers found but some products that „musty“, „moldy“ and „after jute sack“ and their basmati-specific granularity was displaced by stickiness. Basmati rice originates from the foot of the Himalayas and means in Sanskrit „The one with the scent“. Of the 31 products tested, seven received Basmati rice products „Well“, among them two biosorts. (Tf)

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Image: Dieter Schütz