Pancreatitis caused by phytotherapeutics?

Pancreatitis caused by phytotherapeutics? / Health News

Study investigates pancreatitis caused by phytotherapeutics?


A whole range of drugs are known to cause acute pancreatitis. A new case-control study from Berlin now suggests that possibly also phytopharmaceuticals such as valerian and devil's claw cause inflammation of the pancreas.

Most cases of acute pancreatitis go back to a long-term alcohol abuse or gallstone disease. Other risk factors include i.a. Smoking, diabetes mellitus or pancreatic malformations. But also drugs are discussed as triggers.

As part of the Berlin Case Control Surveillance Study (FAKOS) funded by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), the pancreatotoxic risk of various drugs has now been investigated.

Surprisingly, an increased risk of developing acute pancreatitis by phytotherapeutics containing valerian and devil's claw ingredients was also observed. This is new because pancreatotoxic reactions have so far been described almost exclusively in connection with the use of saw palmetto fruits in benign prostatic hyperplasia. The FAKOS study results, however, require further studies to verify the observed pancreatotoxicity of the phyto-drugs, the study authors say. (Pm)