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Health News - Page 808
New drug discovered against chronic infections
Chronic infections in the future with new drug can be treated?Chronic infections are often difficult to treat and associated with...
New drug antibiotics resistant to pest
Antibiotics are often resistant to plague: New drugs give hope 16/01/2012 There are still hundreds of cases of plague every...
New mechanism of action in blood cancer proven
Development of blood cancer influenced by hitherto unknown mechanism of actionBlood cancer can occur in a variety of forms, with...
New board member for holistic dentistry
International Society for Holistic Dental Medicine elects new board 18/01/2012 The dentist has become a permanent contact person of modern...
New urine test to check the diet and the subsequent health effects
Study: Urine test detects food patterns and can prevent problems that occurCertainly, many people generally pay attention to a healthy...
New tuberculosis vaccine discovered?
Researchers test new tuberculosis vaccine 05/09/2011 Researchers have developed a new vaccine against tuberculosis. As the scientists of the Albert...
New trend food pegane diet no longer eat oils and legumes
Omission of oils and legumes with Pegan dietAt present, a new dietary trend is spreading: Pegan, a combination of Paleo...
New therapeutic approach will revolutionize cancer treatment
Newly developed cancer treatment seems to be very effectiveResearchers now made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. The...
New therapy approach in the treatment of depression
Therapy for depression New surgical therapy approach in the treatment of depression At the University Hospital Heidelberg, which is particularly...
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