Health News - Page 71

Scientists at Harvard University Diets bring almost nothing

Investigation at Harvard University: Which diet is betterLow carb, low fat, raw food or Paelo diet: People who feel too...

Scientist beer is supposed to make happy

Beer should make you happy - that was an extensive studyFor some people, a beer is not just an alcoholic...

Scientists confirm That's why smokers are less attractive

Smoking is cool? The times are over! The image of smokers has changed significantly in recent years. A few years...

Scientist Arctic sponge is said to be help against pancreatic and ovarian cancer

Molecules in Sponges Wonder weapon against certain forms of cancer?More than a decade ago, a golf ball of large green...

Scientist anatomy of the female genital organ can prevent climax

Anatomy of the female sex organ can make climaxes impossibleScientists now managed to clarify a question that will surely interest...

Science Too much salt dangerously weakens the intestinal flora

Physicians are studying the effects of salt intake Most people eat too much salt every day. Researchers now found that...

Science Is human aging determined by the intestinal flora?

Intestinal bacteria with a significant influence on life expectancyThe intestinal flora has far-reaching influence on our body and health. Clearly,...

Science How long can children spend a maximum of time in front of the screen?

Are there any negative effects of increased time in front of the screen?Most parents are aware of the following problem:...

Science Do German babies cry differently from Chinese?

Crying Chinese babies is more melodic than GermanA scientific study has found that German babies cry differently than those who...