Health News - Page 624

Risky cancer therapy with HI viruses in leukemia

Leukemia sick girl saved by altered immune cells 13.12.2012 American physicians are celebrating a success in cancer therapy these days:...

Risk Study More premature births and fraccing risk pregnancies

Fracking increases the risk of premature birth and pregnancy complicationsFracking has been used in the United States for years and...

Risk area Protect now from the ticks!

Thoroughly check children for ticks after playing in natureLike many other regions in southern Germany, the district of Donau-Ries in...

Risk Factors The risk of fatal cerebral hemorrhage is dramatically increased by high blood pressure & smoking

Blood pressure and smoking seem to significantly affect the risk of cerebral hemorrhage A recent study by German and Dutch...

Risk Factor Hypertension is far too often underestimated

Heart disease experts explain risks and treatment optionsFrom 1st to 30th of November the "Herzwochen 2016" will take place in...

Risk assessors Rice and rice cakes contain too much arsenic

Rice contains important amino acids, vitamins and fiber. For health-conscious people, rice is an important part of a balanced diet....

Risk tampon woman was dying due to toxic shock syndrome

Suspected flu in the clinic: mother almost died because of tampon disease In the US, a 37-year-old woman almost died...

Risk of sleep deprivation favors diabetes

Sleep deprivation due to sleep disorders may favor the onset of type II diabetes 04/12/2012 Lack of sleep leads to...

Risk Migraine patients develop more common serious vascular disease

Increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis in migraine patients Migraine is characterized by a headache, which may be...