Risk Study More premature births and fraccing risk pregnancies

Risk Study More premature births and fraccing risk pregnancies / Health News
Fracking increases the risk of premature birth and pregnancy complications
Fracking has been used in the United States for years and critics have long been unheard. However, since the documentary "Gasland" picked up on the subject five years ago and provides dramatic pictures of the dangers of fracking with burning taps, the mood has been tipped. The protest, which is also based on new studies on health hazards, gets louder and louder. The latest of these studies comes from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and shows a greater risk of prematurity and high-risk pregnancies around fracking wells.

The researchers, led by principal investigator Professor Brian Schwartz, studied a total of nearly 11,000 Pennsylvania births to identify possible adverse health effects of the fracking. In Pennsylvania today, the fracking industry is active in more than 8,000 locations (compared to 100 in 2006), the US researchers report. The results of their study were published in the journal "Epidemiology" and shed light on some of the possible adverse health consequences of hydraulic fracturing (short fracking), according to the Johns Hopkins University Communication.

Fracking represents a significant risk for the pregnancy. (Image: Romolo Tavani / fotolia.com)

Health effects ignored
With the massive growth of the fracking industry, environmental and public health impacts have been temporarily lost sight of, suggests lead investigator Brian Schwartz. The current study provides important evidence here and is an addition to the few studies that have been conducted so far to negative health consequences of fracking. For example, a study by Pennsylvania State University scientists in May 2015 revealed that fracking releases chemicals into the groundwater.

40 percent more premature births
In the current study, the researchers analyzed the available data on 10,946 births from 2009 to 2013 and compared this data with information on fracking wells. They found that "expectant mothers in the regions with the most active fracking drilling and production sites 40% more likely to have premature birth (before the 37th week of pregnancy)" than pregnant women in unencumbered regions.

On average, eleven percent of the babies were born prematurely in the study. Women in active fracking regions also experienced 30 percent more "high-risk" pregnancy, which was accompanied by factors such as high blood pressure or excessive weight gain, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Impairment of air quality and maternal stress
According to the researchers, pregnant women close to the most active fracking drilling and production sites showed the highest risks, although the study did not investigate why many premature births and high-risk pregnancies occurred here. Every step of the drilling process brings with it environmental burdens such as air quality impairments, which can be the cause of health risks, says Professor Schwartz.

The labor-intensive processes in fracking centers with massive noise, traffic and other disturbances for the neighbors can cause maternal stress that negatively affects their health. "Now that we know this is happening, we need to find out why. Is it the air quality? Is it the stress? Both are leading candidates at this point, "the study director concluded.

In addition, recent studies on the health risks of hydraulic fracture have resulted in increased heart problems and a reduction in birth weight associated with fracking. All previous studies have shown negative effects of fracking on health, says Professor Schwartz. Policy makers need to take these findings into account when deciding how to use fracking, according to the study director's appeal to policymakers. (Fp)