Health News - Page 61

Soothing abdominal massage can relieve many indigestion

Painless abdominal massage can help with indigestionWho does not know this when digestive problems such as flatulence occur after a...

Savory Maggie's Lovage Healthy and fragrant

Lovage: A pesto from the herb gardenLovage is also called maggie herb. Because the plant smells and tastes similar to...

Tasty Why blueberries are so healthy

Blue fruits: Blueberries are delicious and healthyBlueberries are low in calories and rich in vitamins and other healthy ingredients. The...

Wealthy people benefit more from the benefits of Mediterranean diet

How does the income affect the diet??A Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, nuts and wholegrain has...

Feel-good morning for the homeless

Time off the road: pampering program for the homeless 02/22/2015 In Bremen, volunteers have organized a pampering program for the...

Where to put extra pounds after the party?

So they get rid of the excess pounds after the holidays 12/20/2013 In the Advent and Christmas season, a lot...

Where do the side effects with cortisone come from? Cause research successfully completed

Researchers have clarified the cause of side effects with cortisone preparations Although cortisone is used successfully in numerous diseases, it...

Where do vegans get protein and vitamin B12?

(dge) In a purely plant-based diet is a sufficient supply of some nutrients is not possible or difficult. To people...

Vodka consumption shortens the lives of Russian men

Vodka consumption shortens the lives of Russian men 06/04/2014 According to a study, the drinking habits of Russian men provide...