Tasty Why blueberries are so healthy

Tasty Why blueberries are so healthy / Health News
Blue fruits: Blueberries are delicious and healthy
Blueberries are low in calories and rich in vitamins and other healthy ingredients. The fruits and extracts that are extracted from it can also help against many diseases. Now the delicious berries are in season.

Delicious and healthy
Blueberries are so healthy that many consider them a local alternative to superfoods. The delicious fruits are used in diarrhea, among other things. Scientific research has also shown that extract from the berries can protect against gingivitis. Researchers also found that the fruits can reduce Alzheimer's effects and lower the risk of heart attack. Now the blueberry season.

Blueberries are not only delicious, but also very healthy. They are low in calories and full of important ingredients. Now the fruits are in season. (Image: pilipphoto / fotolia.com)

Differences between cultivated and forest blueberry
The Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) reports in a recent article about "the sensitive fruits of forest and culture":

The blue fruits prefer to walk straight from the hand to the mouth. But also in yoghurt and sorbet, in muffins and crepes, they are a summer treat. If you have harvested large quantities, you can use blueberries to compote, juice and jam.

The Swedes love their blueberry soup with small semolina dumplings, some cinnamon and a dash of cream. In the salad and in a spicy risotto, the berries are also a visual eye-catcher.

Blueberries belong to the heather family. There are big differences between the cultivated blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) and the wild mountain blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), also called blueberry.

The forest blueberry berry is found throughout Europe in sparse coniferous forests, bogs and heaths and grows up to 50 cm high semi-shrubs. The black-blue berries are pea-sized and very aromatic. Its juice is intensely blue due to the blue dye anthocyanin.

Many valuable ingredients
Anthocyanins are phytochemicals. They are among the antioxidants that trap harmful free radicals.

Other valuable ingredients are fiber, fruit acids, manganese, minerals such as magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin C..

Forest blueberries are collected wild in Eastern Europe, but also in Germany. However, they are rarely found in commerce. The fruits of the forest should always be washed well as they may be contaminated with fox tapeworm eggs.

Consume fresh fruits quickly
In the supermarket the consumer gets much more often the culture blueberry. It is native to North America and does not originate from the native blueberry berry.

The cherry-sized fruits grow on up to two meters high shrubs and have a much sweeter, but less intense taste. The pulp is firm and has few seeds.

There are hardly any major differences in minerals and vitamins. The anthocyanin, however, is only in the skin, while juice and pulp are colorless. This has the advantage that you hardly get blue teeth when eating.

Blueberries are still available from domestic producers until the end of October. Since the fruits are very sensitive, they should be transported carefully and consumed quickly. (Ad)