Health News - Page 60

Heat therapy in naturopathy

Naturopathy: healing by heat The use of heat therapy for pain or certain clinical pictures is one of the oldest...

Worms with raccoons - danger or quick shot from the Ballermann?

The hunters' association Oberhessen warns, raccoons could transfer roundworms to humans and thus humans become dangerous and therefore also demands,...

Worms as a therapy for inflammatory bowel disease?

Parasites: worms are not yet ripe for the treatment of intestinal diseases? In case of intestinal problems, worming can sometimes...

Warming baths protect against inflammation and help with diets

Warming baths have similar positive effects as exerciseA warm bath is usually very pleasant and relaxing. Researchers have now discovered...

Heat relieves joint pain

Natural combination of active ingredients often helps more sustainable than tablets 04/07/2012 In summer temperatures, people who tend to achy...

Heat helps against back pain

Radon heat therapy additionally relies on low-dose radon 17/10/2013 A look at the thermometer shows that winter is just around...

Workaholic workaholism makes you sick

Workaholic: Job addiction makes you sick07/13/2014 The Japanese term „Karoshi“ stands for death through revision. Until a few years ago...

What should we look for in the sports business

Wear sportswear according to the onion peel principle The baggy sweatpants have had their day. Nowadays, athletes wear functional clothing...

How do you recognize the difference between cold and flu?

What makes a flu different from a cold??The flu epidemic 2016 is in full swing. Many people are currently suffering...