Warming baths protect against inflammation and help with diets

Warming baths protect against inflammation and help with diets / Health News
Warming baths have similar positive effects as exercise
A warm bath is usually very pleasant and relaxing. Researchers have now discovered that a hot bath produces some of the health benefits that come from doing exercise. Even the burning of calories is increased by hot baths.

Researchers at Loughborough University found in a study the health benefits of passive hot bath heating. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Temperature".

Hot baths have a relaxing effect and also have positive effects on health. For example, they increase the burning of calories and protect against inflammatory reactions. (Image: nuzza11 / fotolia.com)

How do hot baths affect metabolic fitness and calorie consumption??
Many different cultures around the world swear by the benefits of a hot bath. A team of experts compared the effects of passive heating by hot baths, with the benefits of warming the body through sweaty sports. They tried to find out more about how a hot bath affects the so-called blood sugar control (an important measure of metabolic fitness) and the energy consumed (number of calories burned).

Subjects had to take either hot baths or cycling
For their study, the researchers recruited 14 men. These were either assigned to a one-hour hot bath (40 degrees) or they had to ride an hour on the bike. Both activities are designed to increase core body temperature by 1 degree, the researchers explain.

Calorie consumption of the participants was determined
We investigated how many calories the men burned in each session, the authors report. In addition, the blood glucose of the subjects was also measured for a period of 24 hours after each experiment.

High blood sugar levels after eating were lower due to hot baths
Cycling burned more calories, compared to a hot bath, explain the doctors. But after all Baden led to burning calories, which was comparable to half an hour walking (about 140 calories). The total detected blood glucose response to both conditions was similar. The highs of post-meal blood sugar, however, were ten percent lower when the participants took a hot bath, the experts add.

Hot baths protect against inflammatory reactions
In addition, a hot bath also showed changes in the inflammatory reactions, comparable to the exercise of sports, the researchers explain in their study. The anti-inflammatory response to exercise is important. It protects people from diseases and infections.

Patients with type 2 diabetes could benefit from hot baths
Chronic inflammation is associated with a reduced ability to fight disease. The results suggest that repeated passive heating, through hot baths, can help reduce chronic inflammation, which is common in long-term conditions such as type 2 diabetes, the researchers add. (As)