Health News - Page 532

Abortion Number of abortions high in poor countries

Women in developing countries lack access to contraceptives Fewer and fewer women are losing their pregnancies in the industrialized countries....

Pregnancy Heartburn medicines increase the child's asthma risk

Take care when taking medicines during pregnancyThe use of medication is often not without problems in pregnancy and can lead...

Pregnancies genetic defect a possible reason for preterm birth

Premature births are often caused by a genetic defect?Among other things, premature births can be triggered by a strong increase...

Pregnancies affect the female brain and cause forgetfulness

Researchers are studying the effects of pregnancy on brain function Changes in the brain occur in women during pregnancy, which...

Pregnancy antidepressants increased the risks of speech disorders in the child

Pregnant women should not take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsResearchers found that antidepressants in the form of so-called selective serotonin reuptake...

Pregnancy abstaining from alcohol is mandatory

Pregnancy - abstinence from alcohol is required. Thousands of children are born in Germany annually with alcohol damage. Thus, the...

Pregnancy Consumption of seafood promotes subsequent fertilization

How does the consumption of seafood affect pregnancies?? Our diet has a major impact on the human body, so it's...

Pregnancy despite rheumatism

What women with rheumatism should consider when pregnant 07/17/2014 Women who suffer from rheumatism are often restricted in everyday life....

Pregnancy despite anti-baby pill 113 sufferers sue pharma giants

Pregnant in spite of contraceptive pill: Women accuse US pharmaceutical companiesMore than one hundred women have filed lawsuits against several...