Health News - Page 51

The number of cancer deaths among women will increase dramatically in the future

More and more women are dying of cancerAccording to a new study, the number of cancer deaths among women will...

Number of children with tooth decay declining

04/07/2014 In Brandenburg, the number of children with tooth decay has been declining for years. Responsible for this was among...

Number of children with diabetes is increasing rapidly

World Diabetes Day: Number of children with type 1 diabetes is increasing rapidly 15.11.2011 Researchers found that the number of...

Number of adolescent smokers has dropped significantly

Drug commissioner provides addiction report: teens smoke lessNever before have so few young people smoked in Germany. Excessive alcohol consumption...

Number of adolescent smokers at record low

Federal Drug Commissioner: Less and less young smokers 27/02/2011 Less and less teenagers smoke. According to the Federal Center for...

Number of juvenile coma drinkers has fallen sharply

Number of juvenile comrinkers dropped02/11/2015 For years, one is worried in this country about a bad habit among young people:...

Number of infections with highly contagious rotaviruses has risen sharply

Gastrointestinal diseases: Thousands of rotavirus infections in Germany In Germany, the number of rotavirus infections has increased significantly compared to...

Number of HIV patients continues to rise

Nearly 80,000 people in Germany live with HIV / AIDS 26/11/2012 The number of people living with HIV / AIDS...

Number of new HIV infections does not decline

Decline in HIV infection only in homosexual and bisexual men The number of new HIV infections in the past year...