Health News - Page 42

Toothache please take seriously There is a threat of severe root inflammation

Throbbing pain can indicate inflamed rootsMany people get a queasy feeling at the thought of the dentist. But dental problems...

Dental splint can help against snoring

Visit to the dentist can solve the snoring problem Snoring is uncomfortable and can even be dangerous. Because it comes...

Dental care of people in need of care should be improved

Domestic dentist care for the needyAs society ages, so does the number of people in need of care. The dental...

Dentist This is how proper pediatric dentistry works

Brushing your teeth made easy: tips for child careMore than 80 percent of children in Germany are caries free, says...

Dentists A lot of pressure while brushing your teeth is extremely damaging

Oral hygiene: Do not apply too much pressure when cleaning teethEven children are told by the responsible dentist how important...

Dentists put patients off to the next year

Dentists put patients off to the next year. Because the health insurance budgets for dental treatments are used up, in...

Dentists in need of care often have tooth decay

Dentists want to take more care of the needy09/07/2014 For seniors who are in need of care, dental health is...

Dentists criticize the planned fee schedule

New fee regulation: Dentists criticize the present draft 31/03/2011 The new draft law of the Federal Ministry of Health on...

Rate Dentists on the Internet

Health insurance companies encourage their insured to the dentist evaluation on the Internet 24.02.2012 Patients have been able to rate...