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Health News - Page 340
Doves in multitasking better than humans
In multitasking, pigeons are sometimes faster than humansMultitasking is considered to be cognitively demanding. But not only the complex cerebral...
Deaf people can see better?
Deaf people can see better? If a sensory organ fails, the brain apparently uses unused areas in the brain to...
Tattoo Hygiene What characterizes a good tattoo artist?
Customers should have a close look in advanceMore and more people get tattooed. No wonder, because the colorful pictures on...
Tattoo health hazards through tattoos
First tattoo safety conference: Tattoos are not without danger 08/06/2013 Anyone who reports on the health risks of tattoos risks...
Tattoo colors with questionable ingredients
Stiftung Warentest: Potentially harmful substances in tattoo inks 07/24/2014 Tattoos are trendy. „Almost one in ten Germans is tattooed, almost...
Tattoo colors are dangerous to health
Tattoo colors in the body: anything but harmless 06/10/2013 In Germany, every tenth is tattooed, among young people one in...
Tattoo removal What options exist?
Ways to eliminate old tattoos - option of medical-aesthetic laser therapyWhile tattoos used to be socially outlawed and reserved for...
Tattoo removal only by doctors
Tattoo removal prohibited for health practitioners On 19 October 2018, the Federal Council approved the proposal for a regulation by...
Tattoo removal with toxic hydrocyanic acid is associated with great health risks
If you want to get rid of unwanted tattoos, they are often removed with the help of a laser treatment....
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