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Health News - Page 2011
Eye Diseases Conjunctivitis spreads very quickly in kindergartens
A conjunctivitis is highly contagious. In kindergartens and kindergartens, only one child is rarely affected, she often goes around. The...
Eye disease cataract by smoking
Eye Disease: Smoking favors cataracts 03/17/2014 Smokers are more frequently operated on as non-smokers for cataracts. This is what researchers...
Eye disease cataracts In women caused by diet
Anyone who pays attention to a healthy diet rich in vitamin C can counteract the progressive clouding of the eye...
Eye Clinic Many patients after eclipse
Eye clinics: more patients after eclipse03/21/2015 Hundreds of thousands have driven out to the eclipse to attend the rare spectacle....
Eye implant instead of glasses
Eye Surgery: Implant replaces reading glasses 06/11/2012 Eyewear could possibly be replaced by an eye implant in the future. The...
Ophthalmology Ancient cereal Einkorn enhances our eye health
Ancient grain Einkorn could keep eyes healthy longer in old ageThe ancient grain of einkorn could make a significant contribution...
Eye health Soft contact lens Molds can destroy the eye
Soft contact lenses can trigger fungal infectionsA recent preliminary study showed that soft contact lenses increase the risk of developing...
Ophthalmologist does not have to reimburse blindness after treatment errors
OLG Hamm: Damages and blind money have different goalsHamm (jur). After a faulty eye treatment, the doctor may have to...
Oculist intentional squinting for eyes not bad
Eyes do no harm when deliberately twisted Children like to forgive their faces for making faces and let their eyes...
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