Eye Diseases Conjunctivitis spreads very quickly in kindergartens

Eye Diseases Conjunctivitis spreads very quickly in kindergartens / Health News
A conjunctivitis is highly contagious. In kindergartens and kindergartens, only one child is rarely affected, she often goes around. The children suffer from reddened, swollen eyes, a foreign body sensation and itching, sometimes they are light-shy or complain of mild visual disturbances.

Itching and red eyes are the leading symptoms of conjunctivitis. (Image: Birgit Reitz-Hofmann / fotolia)

Non-medical practitioner Jeanette Viñals Stein: "Conjunctivitis can be infectious or non-infectious. As a result, the infectious is distinguished from the non-infectious conjunctivitis. Infectious conjunctivitis is then caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi ". If bacteria are the cause of pus and small crusts: "The mucous membrane on the eye is very thin and sensitive, so it can quickly inflame," explains pediatrician. Burkhard Lawrenz from Arnsberg in the pharmacy magazine "Baby and Family". In such a case, parents should necessarily go to the doctor with their child. Antibiotic eye drops help quickly and effectively.

As long as the children suffer from conjunctivitis, they should stay at home so that they do not infect other children. Eye drops help with the herbal substance eyebright, which is known in natural medicine. You can also find more under home remedies for conjunctivitis. (Sb)