Eye Clinic Many patients after eclipse

Eye clinics: more patients after eclipse
Hundreds of thousands have driven out to the eclipse to attend the rare spectacle. However, although it was repeatedly warned in the run-up that you should protect yourself with special glasses, many have apparently not followed. Far more people than usual have reported in the hours after the Sofi at eye clinics.
Solar eclipse unprotected
The solar eclipse has driven hundreds of thousands of people out into the open in Germany alone to witness the rare celestial event live. Already weeks before the event, experts pointed out that one should not look with unprotected eyes in the sun, so that one does not risk eye damage. It was advised, among other so-called SoFi glasses with protective filter film. However, quite a few people have not taken seriously enough the warnings of doctors that the UV radiation can damage the retina, and have watched the partial solar eclipse unprotected.
More people are looking for eye clinics
In the hours after the solar eclipse, according to a message from the news agency dpa more people reported than usual at eye clinics. As a spokeswoman for the Charlottenklinik for ophthalmology in Stuttgart reported: „More patients came to the emergency department.“ However, she did not want to give any details about the damage or the number of patients. It is also reported that at the Department of Ophthalmology of the University of Frankfurt about 15 „Sofi“-Fans reported.
Retina sends no pain pulse
Previously, experts had urgently warned to look directly and without protection in the sun, because when looking at the retina could be damaged. It was said: „Unlike full sunshine, where the eye refuses to look directly because of the brightness, this reflex is limited in a solar eclipse.“ Because the retina does not send a pain impulse, a sufferer who has observed the eclipse without proper protection does not notice damage to the eye from pain.
In case of problems quickly to the ophthalmologist
Georg Eckert from the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists (BVA) explained that damage instead shows a darkening at the center of the field of vision, because the place of the sharpest vision was damaged. Even those who do not look as sharp after the show as they did before may have damaged their retina. The severity of the impairment depends on how intense the radiation was and how long you looked into the sun. If you notice such problems, you should go to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. According to Eckert, you can not do much with such damage to the retina, but some people can help with anti-inflammatory eye drops. (Ad)