Health News - Page 1907

Bisphenol softeners migrate directly into the blood

French researchers show how easily BPA enters the body 06/15/2013 Many plastic products contain the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA)...

Bisphenol F in food - Health risk unlikely?

BfR believes that adverse health effects are unlikelyThe detection of bisphenol F (BPF) in feed has caused some uncertainty among...

Bisphenol-A damages sperm

The bulk chemical bisphenol-A damages sperm. (05.08.2010) More and more studies point to the health hazards that can arise from...

Bisphenol A makes girls hyperactive and aggressive

Bisphenol A causes significant behavioral problems in girls 10/26/2011 Girls who have been exposed to the chemical softener bisphenol A...

Bisphenol A in dental fillings

Dentists Company: Bisphenol A is used to make dental fillings and sealants 09/01/2011 Before the chemical plasticizer „Bisphenol A“ in...

Bisphenol-A causes infertility in women

Bisphenol A can cause infertility in women. (16/07/2010) The bulk chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) may cause infertility in women, a recent...

Bisphenol A EFSA exacerbates limit

01/28/2015 The EU Food Safety Authority EFSA has reduced the value of bisphenol-A (BPA), which includes cash-on-wall and reusable plastic...

Bisphenol A trigger for food allergy?

Study: Bisphenol A could trigger food allergies 08/06/2014 According to a new study, the toxic chemical bisphenol A contained in...

So far largely unknown Also this can be an indication of a heart attack

Unspecific symptoms of heart attack more common in women Many people are aware that, among other things, severe chest pain...