Health News - Page 1849

Chinese medicine The best remedy for back pain

Doctor: Metabolic problems have a significant impactChinese medicine does not just back disorders on x-ray images. She often attributes the...

Chinese medicine for back pain

Chinese medicine relieves back pain sustainably 23/01/2013 Hardly any other disease manifests itself as diverse and tormenting as the folk...

Chinese medicine for panic attacks

Panic attacks: Physical as important as mental therapy: For severe physical ailments, Chinese medicine helps well 05/11/2012 Tachycardia, sweaty pearls,...

Chinese medicine in bronchial asthma

With Chinese prescriptions more air to life 07.11.2012 Breathing difficulty and shortness of breath, whistling and rattling noises in the...

Chinese herbs in multiple sclerosis

Chinese herbs improve symptoms of MS: Different courses of the disease require individualized therapies 06/21/2012 People with multiple sclerosis often...

Chinese medicinal plant root extract prolonged life

Longer life through root extract? A root extract of the multi-flowered knotweed allows the nematode C. elegans to live longer...

Chinese medicinal plant relieves arthritis

Chinese medicinal plant relieves rheumatoid arthritis30/04/2014 The Chinese medicinal plant Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F (German: Wilfords three-winged fruit) could be...

Chinese researchers manipulated genetic material of embryos with severe consequences

Breakthrough in genetic engineering: Chinese researchers are experimenting with genetic material of embryos[Ratings] The creation of a "designer baby" with...

Chinese woman only speaks English after stroke

94-year-old woman from Changsha loses her mother tongue06/02/2015A 94-year-old woman has caused a big surprise in a Chinese hospital by...