Health News - Page 1712

EHEC investigation against organic farm

EHEC: Public prosecutor's office is investigating preliminary proceedings against Biohof Bienenbüttel 27/06/2011 According to the public prosecutor Oldenburg is determined...

EHEC epidemic So far 42 fatalities

RKI: EHEC epidemic claims 42 lives so far 23/06/2011 The number of EHEC infections has been falling for days and...

EHEC epidemic survived

No EHEC new infection for two weeks 21.07.2011 According to the health authorities, the EHEC epidemic in Germany seems to...

EHEC all-clear for vegetables

EHEC: All-clear for vegetables 14/06/2011 Finally, the EHEC warning of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce was lifted. The dealer demand for...

EHEC DRK calls for blood donations

EHEC: The German Red Cross calls for more blood donations 03/06/2011 The EHEC infection rate is increasing rapidly in Germany....

EHEC organic industry under general suspicion

Organic food as a carrier of EHEC bacteria under suspicion 06/07/2011 Organic products under suspicion. The sprouts of an organic...

EHEC bacteria Young patient died from the infection

Adolescents died of EHEC infectionThe dramatic consequences of an infection with bacteria of the genus Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) has...

Marriage increases chances of survival after a heart surgery

By marriage, the chances of survival increase after a heart operation 03/08/2012 Various studies have already established a connection between...

Marital obesity Why do we gain more weight in relationships?

Researchers are studying the effect of a relationship on weight When people live in a committed relationship, they often develop...