Marital obesity Why do we gain more weight in relationships?

Marital obesity Why do we gain more weight in relationships? / Health News

Researchers are studying the effect of a relationship on weight

When people live in a committed relationship, they often develop weight problems over time. Researchers have identified the reasons for weight gain in a relationship in a recent study:

  • People in relationships often gain weight, although they eat healthier food,
  • Regular family meals lead to increased calorie intake,
  • Parents often consume remnants of their children's meals
  • When people live in relationships, they do not have to stay slim and attractive to find a partner.

Central Queensland University researchers in Australia (CGU) found in their study that life in a relationship leads to more frequent weight gain. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "PLOS One".

People in a partnership often gain weight fast. Physicians were looking for possible causes. (Image: tortoon /

Study involved more than 15,000 participants

For their study, the Australian experts examined a total of more than 15,000 subjects. These were medically monitored for a period of nine years. They found that people in a partnership rarely have a normal, healthy body weight compared to single, widowed and divorced people.

Couples live healthier lives

The researchers found that couples are more likely to consume more fruits and vegetables and generally less smoke and alcohol. However, there are other factors that can cause people in a partnership to gain weight and become overweight.

People in partnership eat more calories

In a marriage or generally in relationships, there are many obligations, such as regular family meals, explain the doctors. While diets for couples often include healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables and low fast foods, these people often consume larger portions and more calories in the company of other people than do living people alone. This then leads to an increased energy intake.

People looking for a partner want to look slim and attractive

Of course there are other reasons that can have a big impact on the weight. For example, the findings suggest that married people gain weight because they no longer have to stay thin to get to know a partner and look attractive to them.

Parents eat leftovers of children's meals

If couples no longer need to look attractive and slim to attract a partner, they may feel more comfortable eating more foods or foods high in fat and sugar, explains study author Dr. Stephanie Schoeppe. Another reason for the frequent weight gain of couples with children might be that parents consume the snacks or remnants of their children's meals.

Couples gain weight within two years

The researchers also found that both couples and single people are likely to follow the recommendations for sports and see a similar amount of television. The data on body mass index (BMI) of couples and singles used in the study came from surveys conducted between 2005 and 2014. Previous research has shown that couples tend to become overweight and sedentary over a two-year period. (As)