EHEC organic industry under general suspicion

EHEC organic industry under general suspicion / Health News

Organic food as a carrier of EHEC bacteria under suspicion


Organic products under suspicion. The sprouts of an organic farm as a source of EHEC infections are suspected, has affected the entire organic industry. Consumers are also wondering about the risks that can come from organic foods. Although the organic products usually contain less pollutants, such as pesticides or preservatives, but the organic food usually also have a higher bacterial load, the Stiftung Warentest reported in June of last year.

The statements of the Lower Saxony Minister of Agriculture, that probably the sprouts of a bio-agricultural producer in the district of Uelzen are responsible for the outbreak of the current EHEC infection wave, bring an entire industry in distress. Unlike previous scandals in the food industry, such as the dioxin contamination found in eggs at the beginning of the year, this year's focus is not on industrial food production, but producers of organic produce are suspected of being a potential source of infection.

Microbial contamination of organic products higher
The fact that the germ load on organic products is generally somewhat higher than in the industrial food industry is due to the fact that the use of chemical aids in production is completely dispensed with. However, the germs are usually rather harmless and hardly alarming for the health of humans. Different in the current case of EHEC infections. As dangerous as the pathogens of the new EHEC bacterial strain HUSEC 041 have never been demonstrated on organic products. In view of the statements of the Lower Saxony Minister of Agriculture, however, it is suspected that an organic farm in the district of Uelzen could be responsible for the distribution of the dangerous EHEC pathogens. The conclusion that the production conditions in the organic farm could have favored the spread of the germs and the resulting general suspicion that the organic sector is to blame for the EHEC epidemic - but goes beyond the target. Although it is correct that the germ load of organic products tends to be higher due to the lack of chemical aids and thus the spread of the pathogens is favored. However, according to the experts, the conditions under which dangerous pathogens such as the EHEC strain HUSEC041 are produced are not to be found in the field of organic farms.

Forage methods of factory farming as a cause of EHEC
The currently often cited „EHEC Pope“ Professor Helge Karch from Münster already had the „not species-appropriate feeding“ responsible for the occurrence of particularly dangerous EHEC pathogens in factory farming. The use of cereal-concentrate mixtures favors the spread of aggressive EHEC pathogens, according to the expert. Because the feed mixture is degraded in the stomach of the animals only incomplete and then undigested passed into the intestine of the animal. There, the food begins to ferment and the contained EHEC pathogens can slowly get used to the acidic environment, as already in 1998 in the journal „Science“ published study result of a US research group of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. This will make the germs more resistant, even to the attacks of human stomach acid. In addition, the intestinal contents of ruminants fed cereal concentrates contained 250,000 EHEC cells per gram, whereas animals fed hay or grass had only 20,000 EHEC cells per gram of intestinal contents, said the US researchers. New pathogen strains produced in this way can then be spread through the faeces of the animals and eventually lead to contamination of the organic products. Here, the dangerous pathogens may even spread faster than in industrial food production due to the lack of use of chemical aids.

Blaming in the direction of the organic industry inappropriate
However, those who feel confirmed in the recent EHEC crisis in their unhealthy dietary habits and the penchant for industrially produced foods should bear in mind that one of the first dramatic spread of EHEC infections in the United States about thirty years ago was due to poorly cooked hamburgers Fast food restaurant chain were caused. Bio-products or alternative food-production methods did not play any role at all. Hundreds of thousands of infections from contaminated foods are reported every year in Germany, but even in the fewest cases, organic products are the cause of complaints such as coliform bacteria, listeria, parasites, fungi or salmonella. Due to the uncertainties surrounding the emergence of the new dangerous EHEC strain, the fact that the Lower Saxony Minister of Agriculture is trying to shift the entire blame for the EHEC epidemic to the organic sector is rather inappropriate. Both industrial food producers and organic producers are called upon to review possible causes of EHEC infections in their ranks and to take appropriate precautionary measures to avoid such epidemics in the future. (Fp)

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Picture: Joujou