Health News - Page 1709

Oak Processionary Danger to Man and Animal

Caterpillars pose a health risk - oak processionary spinners are spreading 08/23/2013 Oak Processors are not only dangerous to humans....

Oak tree procession spinner a health hazard

Oak Processionary Spinner especially dangerous for allergy sufferers 19/04/2011 The caterpillars of the oak processionary moths are on their way...

Honesty in the morning, dishonest in the evening

Why people are more honest in the morning than in the evening 11/01/2013 Honesty and morality are dependent on the...

Medal of Honor of the Foundation of German Naturopaths

Dr. Bernd Eberwein receives Medal of Honor from the Foundation of German Alternative Practitioners 06/30/2011 Dr. Bernd Eberwein receives Medal...

Volunteering improves mental health in old age

People over the age of 40 benefit greatly from volunteer workEspecially in old age, mental health is worsening in most...

Volunteer for stroke patients

Volunteers trained to help stroke patients 03/13/2014 In North Rhine-Westphalia volunteers are being trained in a pilot project to support...

Rather mind or beauty? Attractive scientists are often less competent

Good-looking researchers are less competent for most peopleIn a study by British researchers, it has been shown that attractive scientists...

Spouses help to cure cancer

Married cancer patients have better chances of recovery than unmarried people 25/11/2013 With the support of spouses, the prospects for...

Marriages keep healthy - Faster recovery after heart surgeries detectable

Intact marriage helps to better withstand surgery and diseaseDoes marital status affect recovery after surgery? Experts from the University of...