Medal of Honor of the Foundation of German Naturopaths

Medal of Honor of the Foundation of German Naturopaths / Health News

Dr. Bernd Eberwein receives Medal of Honor from the Foundation of German Alternative Practitioners


Dr. Bernd Eberwein receives Medal of Honor from the Foundation of German Alternative Practitioners.„Naturopathy - proven and new united“ This year's motto was the German Alternative Practitioners Congress, which took place for the 21st time in a row in Karlsruhe. Numerous lectures presented diagnostic and therapeutic methods and informed about new or proven healing methods. The topics ranged from drug policy, stress, depression, prevention and i-health to pain therapy. At the center of the two-day specialist event with 280 exhibitors from the biopharmaceutical and medical technology industry, however, was the competent exchange of views among around 2,000 non-medical practitioners.

„Dr. Bernd Eberwein has made a special contribution to the naturopathy, the naturopathic profession, the research and the preservation of homeopathic and herbal medicines in Germany and Europe.“ With these words, Arne Krüger, 1st Chairman of the Foundation of German Non-medical Practitioners, presented the Foundation's Medal of Honor as part of the opening of the congress. The award winner, Dr. Ing. rer. nat. Eberwein, since 1981 also in possession of a license as a naturopathic practitioner, was until 2000 managing director of the Federal Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (BAH), member of the German Pharmacopoeia Commission (DAB) and until 2009 on the board of the Society of Phytotherapy. As part of this work, he has been continuously involved in the research, documentation and preservation of naturopathic medicines.

Around 29,000 non-medical practitioners are admitted according to the current status (2009) of the Federal Statistical Office in Germany. This represents an increase of around 11 percent compared to 2008. A full-time practice of which nationwide about 18,000 non-medical practitioners. The profession of alternative practitioner continues to be a women's domain, as only every third practice is run by a male colleague. Every day, about 60,000 patients consult a health practitioner nationwide and usually pay privately, d. H. from your own pocket the healing treatment. That is about 15 million treatments a year, which relieves the cost bearer billions of dollars each year. A scientifically supported model project of the IKK Sachsen for the testing of alternative therapies had the result that acupuncture and homeopathy significantly reduced the average number of sick days and also reduced the symptoms of more than 80 percent of the treated patients. „The profession of alternative practitioner: some swear by him, the others would like to abolish him. But the fact is, the Naturopath contributes verifiably and significantly to public health“, This is the plea of ​​Monika Gerhardus, organizer of the German Heilpraktikerkongress Karlsruhe 2011.

The absolute majority of the population considers alternative medical treatment to be a useful supplement to conventional medicine, and the trend towards natural remedies remains unbroken. This prove u. a. Data from the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach (IfD). In case of illness or discomfort, more than 70 percent of Germans use the healing power of natural medicine. Nevertheless, fewer than one million euros are available for scientific research and studies each year, even though the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMBF) promotes general health research in the period from 2011 to 2014 with around 5.5 billion euros. In contrast to the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, the mainly small and medium-sized, naturopathic pharmaceutical companies are only limited in the financial position to carry out active research from their own resources.