Oak Processionary Danger to Man and Animal

Oak Processionary Danger to Man and Animal / Health News

Caterpillars pose a health risk - oak processionary spinners are spreading


Oak Processors are not only dangerous to humans. In animals, too, the hair of the caterpillars can cause toxic reactions.

The oak processionary spinner (Thaumetopoea processionea) is a butterfly and is counted among the family of tooth spinners. Its caterpillars feed on leaves of infested trees and can eat away entire forests. That is why it is one of the pests.

Why is the caterpillar dangerous??
The very fine hair of the caterpillar contains a protein poison (Thaumetopoein), which can cause caterpillar dermatitis in humans. „Most people do not realize that even dogs can be allergic“, explains Karl-Christian Bergmann, pulmonologist at the Charité in Berlin.

The barely visible hairs penetrate easily into the skin and mucous membrane and settle there with their hooks. In dogs, for example, the mucous membranes of the nose, the eyes and the mouth can be attacked. Upon contact, the animal should be properly showered, so that the poisonous hair is removed from the fur.

Dangerous for humans are the hair of the third larval stage (distribution in May and June) of the oak processionary moth. They also stick to the clothes and shoes and always trigger new toxic reactions when touched. For this reason, people and animals must be at least 50 meters apart, so that the hairs can not be brought into contact with the wind.

Allergy sufferers are particularly at risk
If there are still touches, the clothing should be removed as quickly as possible. Shower and eyes under running water. The poison is destroyed only at a washing temperature of at least 60 degrees, which is why clothes recommended for cooking.

It can be problematic for pollen or house dust allergy sufferers. With them, the poison may trigger even an allergic shock. Remedy in such cases, a treatment with cortisone and antihistamines. In recent years, the oak processionary moth, which lives mainly in southern Europe, has increasingly spread in Germany. Experts call climate change and rising temperatures the cause. (Fr)

Also read about oak processionary moths:
Oak procession spinner inconspicuous danger
Strong spread of oak processionary spinners
Toxic caterpillars pose a greater health risk
Caterpillars cause a major alarm
Spread of poisonous caterpillars a health risk

Picture credits: Erika Hartmann