Health News - Page 1690

Electronic health card from Jan 2014 duty

Court ruling on electronic health card 16/11/2013 The electronic health card (eGK) was supposed to replace the old health insurance...

Electrolytes New estimates of sodium, chloride and potassium

New reference levels for sodium, chloride and potassium: Estimates are for adequate intakeThe German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has updated...

Electroconvulsive therapy for depression

Depression: Electroconvulsive therapy reduces hyperconnectivity in the brain 21/03/2012 Scottish researchers have studied the use of so-called electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)...

Electroacupuncture effective in dysmenorrhea

07/23/2014 Study: Electroacupuncture with dysmenorrhea: Electroacupuncture can easily relieve the pain of primary dysmenorrhea. This is the conclusion of a...

Electric cigarette with carcinogenic substances

Electric cigarette contains carcinogenic substances 01/12/2011 Contrary to the previous assumption, e-cigarettes pose a significant health risk not only to...

Electric cigarette is health risky

NRW Health Minister warns: Electric cigarette is hazardous to health 12/17/2011 If electric cigarettes contain nicotine, they are at least...

Electric cigarette harmless to health?

The electric cigarette also carries health risks 09/12/2011 Electric cigarettes are enjoying growing popularity in Germany, although the health benefits...

Electrical stimulation of the brain can reduce depression

Electricity for the treatment of depression? Researchers have now found that when people suffer from depression, electrical stimulation treatment on...

Electrical stimuli for headache

Electrical stimuli may be able to relieve pain in cluster headaches and migraine attacks. The therapy relies on electrical stimuli...