Health News - Page 1664

Increased mortality in epilepsy

The aim of the therapy of epilepsy is the prevention of seizures 03/25/2014 About one percent of the population suffers...

Increased risk of stroke in cold weather

In winter, the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases 21/01/2013 Cold winters are a risk for cardiovascular patients. The...

Increased risks for cardiovascular diseases Aircraft noise damages the blood vessels

Exposure to aircraft noise increases the risk of cardiovascular diseaseIn recent years, scientific studies have repeatedly shown a connection between...

Increased pension for care of relatives

Nursing increases the pension entitlement 07/11/2014 Caring for relatives is often an enormous challenge, which takes a lot of time...

Increased ozone levels endanger your health

Increased ozone levels: When smoging, children should not play outdoors. (07.07.2010) It's summer and experience shows that ozone levels are...

Increased life expectancy Vegetarians live almost four years longer

Regular consumption of red meat lowers our life expectancyOur diet affects our health and therefore our life expectancy. The consumption...

Increased iron levels trigger strokes?

Can high iron levels cause a stroke? A stroke is a life-threatening event that can be caused by several factors....

Increased doses of statins improve survival in cardiovascular disease

People over the age of 75 should take high doses of statins for cardiovascular problemsHigher doses of cholesterol-lowering statins seem...

Lower elevated cholesterol levels by making a light diet change

Derailed cholesterol levels can often be lowered through nutritionMany Germans have problems with their cholesterol levels. Excessively high levels of...